Due to changing government policy, market trends and environmental influences the farm and agriculture industry face an increasing number of challenges. Our professionals at A.I.M. help give you peace of mind, as well as bring greater clarity and guidance to this ever-changing industry.
At A.I.M., we understand the issues contractors are facing. We work with you one-on-one to help you operate a successful business through various tax strategies, construction accounting, business consulting services and more.
In the world of manufacturing, there have always been factors operating beyond your control. At A.I.M., we believe maximizing profits while minimizing your tax burden are major keys to success. Our professionals have a deep understanding the GAAP rules regarding the valuation of inventories as well as state and local tax code applicable to manufacturers, enabling us avoid overstatement of taxable income. We can help you transform industry specific challenges into opportunities and build a solid platform for future growth.
Professional Services
Many professional service firms need a specialized accounting firm to help them with their financial needs. At A.I.M., we know what’s required to make payroll, establish billing and collections, manage cash flow and minimize taxes, all while creating quantifiable value for you. Our team incorporates our own business experience to provide a customized financial and operational systems your company needs for ultimate short- and long-term success.
From Main Street shops and restaurant franchises, to specialty stores and other retailers, our team understand your industry and the specific market forces that are driving business decisions. Whether it’s organizing systems, minimizing taxes or staying compliant with retail accounting requirements, A.I.M. finds creative ways to help grow your business and expand into new markets and locations.